
Thursday, November 24, 2011

10 NACOB Cocaine Suspects' Case Adjourned

10 NACOB Cocaine Suspects' Case Adjourned10 NACOB Cocaine Suspects' Case Adjourned The Circuit Court in Accra trying the 10 officials of the Narcotic Control Board (NACOB) for their alleged deals in narcotic drugs Thursday adjourned the case to December 8, 2011 at the request of the prosecution. Mr Rexford Wiredu, a Principal State ... 10 NACOB Cocaine Suspects' Case Adjourned

Ling doet aangifte

Ling doet aangifte WASSENAAR - Tscheu La Ling heeft bij de politie van Breukelen aangifte gedaan tegen Steven ten Have, voorzitter van de raad van commissarissen van Ajax, vanwege laster. Aanleiding zijn de verklaringen van de preses tegen de supportersvereniging en ... Ling doet aangifte

盘点各国感恩节:美开始疯狂折扣 英法日毫不领情

盘点各国感恩节:美开始疯狂折扣 英法日毫不领情 据中国之声《全球华语广播网》报道,现在美国全境还停留在感恩节最后的温情中,无论什么语言,无论对方是谁,"谢谢",成为过去的一整天里,响彻北美大陆的声音。作为美国人最传统的节日之一,感恩节给他们带来了什么?面对 ... 盘点各国感恩节:美开始疯狂折扣 英法日毫不领情

Атомна енергетика втрачає підтримку населення

Атомна енергетика втрачає підтримку населення Опитування громадської думки, проведене спільно Бі-бі-сі та організацією GlobeScan, показало, що атомна енергетика втрачає популярність серед населення більшості країн. Жителі країн, де ведуться ядерні програми, стали ставитися до них набагато більш ... Атомна енергетика втрачає підтримку населення

En Colombia dicen que Gio podría volver

En Colombia dicen que Gio podría volver Otra vez los jugadores de Colombia vuelven a ser noticia en Racing. Adentro de la cancha, Giovanni Moreno y Teófilo Gutiérrez conmueven por su juego y generan elogios múltiples; afuera, siempre son parte de la agenda periodística. ... En Colombia dicen que Gio podría volver

20-19. Romo y Baley surgieron en los momentos decisivos y ganaron los Cowboys

20-19. Romo y Baley surgieron en los momentos decisivos y ganaron los Cowboys El 'quaterback' de origen hispano Tony Romo volvió a surgir en el momento decisivo para guiar a los Cowboys de Dallas a un triunfo dramático en el último segundo por 20-19 sobre los Dolphins de Miami. Fue la cuarta victoria consecutiva de los Cowboys y ... 20-19. Romo y Baley surgieron en los momentos decisivos y ganaron los Cowboys

정몽구 "도요타 살아난다…현대차 긴장해"

정몽구 "도요타 살아난다…현대차 긴장해" 정몽구 현대차그룹 회장이 일본 도요타를 직접 거론하며 경계를 나타냈다. 지난해 초 대규모 리콜과 올 3월 일본 내 대지진으로 휘청거린 도요타가 최근 재정비한데 이어 내년에는 본궤도에 진입해 '만만찮을 것'이라는 예상 때문이다. 정 회장이 도요타를 언급한 ... 정몽구 "도요타 살아난다…현대차 긴장해"

Rob Andrew is clinging on by his fingernails, but for the good of English ...

Rob Andrew is clinging on by his fingernails, but for the good of English ...Rob Andrew is clinging on by his fingernails, but for the good of English ... Rob Andrew admits English rugby is 'at rock bottom'. He accepts the World Cup performance was a shambles and on Thursday apologised for the performance and behaviour of England's players and coaching staff. As director of elite rugby, ... Rob Andrew is clinging on by his fingernails, but for the good of English ...


第六届中国·西部法治论坛在渝召开 本报讯 (记者 文峰)昨日,第六届中国·西部法治论坛在渝召开,来自西部十一省区市及新疆生产建设兵团的百余名法学专家学者和法律工作者,围绕"民生工程建设与法治保障"这一主题展开深入研讨与交流。 市人大常委会副主 ... 第六届中国·西部法治论坛在渝召开

美記者埃及被捕 控訴惡警性侵

美記者埃及被捕 控訴惡警性侵 美國知名的埃及裔專欄作家艾塔哈維今天在她的推特帳戶表示,她因參加埃及首都開羅解放廣場的抗議活動遭警方拘留12小時,期間她遭到警員毆打和毛手毛腳,獲釋時還被蒙上雙眼。 她又說:「X光片顯示,我的左臂和右手都骨折。」她並貼出傷處上了石膏的照片。 ... 美記者埃及被捕 控訴惡警性侵

Arabs give Syria new ultimatum, call for UN support

Arabs give Syria new ultimatum, call for UN supportArabs give Syria new ultimatum, call for UN support CAIRO — The Arab League on Thursday served a new ultimatum on Damascus, giving it less than 24 hours to allow monitors into the country or face sanctions, while for the first time calling on the United Nations to help resolve the crisis. ... Arabs give Syria new ultimatum, call for UN support

Elderly drivers, certain drugs a risky mix

Elderly drivers, certain drugs a risky mix Drivers aged 65 and older who are taking antidepressants combined with another psychotropic medication are at increased risk of being at fault in a motor vehicle accident, a new study has found. Antidepressants alone did not lead to a heightened risk ... Elderly drivers, certain drugs a risky mix

Barrichello correrá com capacete em homenagem a Ayrton Senna

Barrichello correrá com capacete em homenagem a Ayrton Senna Barrichello correrá com capacete em homenagem a Ayrton Senna

Presentarán propuestas para modificar tratados de la Unión Europea

Presentarán propuestas para modificar tratados de la Unión Europea Francia y Alemania "harán propuestas en los próximos días para modificar tratados" de la Unión Europea (UE), anunció hoy el presidente francés, Nicolás Sarkozy, al término de la minicumbre que mantuvo en Estrasburgo con la canciller alemana, ... Presentarán propuestas para modificar tratados de la Unión Europea

Champions League: Xavi's winner seals top spot for Barcelona

Champions League: Xavi's winner seals top spot for Barcelona Barcelona scraped through their tie against AC Milan 3-2 at San Siro to secure the top spot of their Champions League group. The hosts equalised twice through Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Kevin-Prince Boateng after Barca led after Mark van Bommel's own goal ... Champions League: Xavi's winner seals top spot for Barcelona

European Stocks Extend Gains on Ifo Report

European Stocks Extend Gains on Ifo Report European stocks extended their advance after German business confidence unexpectedly rose in November. US index futures rose and Asian shares declined. The benchmark Stoxx Europe 600 Index climbed 0.7 ... European Stocks Extend Gains on Ifo Report

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